STOP drinking PLAIN water-it is leaving you sick and dehydrated

griffin cascone
3 min readFeb 12, 2022

Hydrate through food/juice (why drinking water is dumb):

Before I start with the complex details. I would like to start with common sense and logic. Since we are not surrounded by nature and able to see what animals eat day to day, we lack the knowledge of what other animals truly eat and drink. Most animals in nature are not guzzling water down all day. For example, some wild dogs and cats go weeks or even months without seeing water. And when they do drink water, it is natural (not poisoned). Birds are the animals that drink most water due to their high intake of seeds. Water is required for the breakdown of all the hard shells.

Every animal is different; however, my point here is that we are drinking way too much water. Humans are supposed to get most of our hydration through fruit and animal products. Fruit is an obvious one. In season, natural fruit is hydrating due to its high water content. It is important to hydrate through foods or liquids that are ionically bonded to H2O so that our cells can absorb them efficiently. Cells have a difficult time absorbing plain water because it is not attached to anything on a chemical level. If a cell absorbs water without nutrients, the cell becomes dehydrated, shrivels up, and dies. What happens when you leave water on your arm for example? It dries out! But let’s say we take something that hydrates skin…raw butter. Put raw butter on your skin and guess what happens? It becomes lubricated, soft, and hydrated.

When we eat raw meat and organs, for example, we get plenty of hydration through blood and water stored in the animal’s muscle. The reason we may feel thirsty or dry after eating cooked meat is obvious. We pull all the water out from the meat, triggering a dry sensation in our mouth. There are high amounts of water and blood stored in all animal meat and organs (when raw) that take the place of our need to drink water from plastic bottles.

So why am I telling you water is bad? Well, water isn’t necessarily bad. It is essential to all life. But when we drink plain water all day long, we not only dilute our stomach acids, but we flush out nutrients and dehydrate cells. Drinking plain water in high amounts makes it hard for our cells to absorb nutrients and disrupts the natural digestion process while also damaging bacteria. We need to remember water is the universal solvent. You open up any archeological book, water is almost always the first solvent they list. It breaks down rocks for plants to eat. The only time I would recommend drinking water (small amounts) is to break down toxins, assuming you are not eating the right foods. Ever wonder why the more water you drink, the thirstier you feel? Aajonus says the kidney’s job is to filter white and red blood cells, while also cooling or warming the body via liquid excretion. The body loses essential nutrients when you are constantly peeing. Urine is supposed to be a thick dark orange color.

So, what should you hydrate with? Hydrate with raw organs and raw meat, fruit, blood, raw milk, and vegetable juice. If these foods and drinks listed are untouched, meaning not processed by man, they will provide numerous benefits including hydration. If you know the history of water bottle companies, you know that Coca-Cola was a main contributor in starting these companies. In 1961 and 1962, the trust fund for the owners of Coca-Cola decided they wanted to get into the water bottle industry. They hired doctors to promote drinking 8 glasses of water a day. This is ridiculous! Don’t listen to this false advertising!

Personally, I feel less thirsty after eating raw meats and fruit. I hardly drink water at all anymore. And for those who might get offended with this, as I am not a doctor, please check my instagram, as a video explaining my views on doctors and the medical industry. Hope this article finds you well :).

Stay hydrated! And stop drinking plain water!

Sources:,, common sense, and self experimentation

Disclaimer: This was written with the bias of animal based nutrition

